Our pricing is based on the number of documents you want to process, regardless of the number of pages in each document.
There are no limits, so your document can have any number of pages. But if you're a Free Trial user, please note that each document must be 1MB or less. To process larger files, please upgrade to Professional or Enterprise.
Free trial users: If you want to process more than 5 documents, please upgrade to the Professional or Enterprise plan.
Professional users: If want to process more than one hundred (100) documents per month, you will be charged a per document fee for each additional document.
The Document Copilot allows you to redact sensitive data from your documents. You can specify the attributes of the data you want redacted. While you can preview this feature in the Free Trial, the full functionality is only available with the Professional and Enterprise licenses only.
Please contact our support team. We offer 8x5 support in the United States.
Yes, you can delete your documents at anytime. When you delete a document, we will also delete all the extracted data, search or vector indexes, and any chat history specific to that document.